With 2019 upon us, we once again asked our blog authors to tell us what books they’re reading in the new year along with a...
A Christian Deeper Learning Introduction
Christian “Deeper Learning” involves nurturing students to love God and serve their neighbors in Christ’s name.
Why NOT to Attend the 2019 Global Christian School Leadership Summit
Between the two of us, we’ve spent hundreds of hours at educational conferences throughout our careers. We’ve also had the humbling experience of having to...
Lessons Learned: Insights for New Heads of School
For the last 11 years I served in various capacities at a Christian school in suburban Philadelphia. But on July 1, 2018, I officially became...
Three “Brutal Facts” Make the Case for Enrollment Management
It’s clear that our market is changing and that our community’s reliance on tuition is becoming even more pronounced. It’s also clear that by using...
Christian School Mission Statements
[Editor’s Note: This article is re-posted with permission from the CACE blog, where it first was published on October 3, 2018].
Developing a mission and vision...
Incarnational Living: An Encouragement for Christian School Families
I cannot believe the end of the first nine weeks of school is already here. This school year has flown past, as school years so...
PODCAST: Developing “Schools within a School” in Christian Education
This month’s podcast features Tim Greener, Superintendent of Christian Academy of Louisville School System, as he discusses the concept of creating “schools within a school”...
Bias, Bigotry, Bullying: One School’s Response
“There comes a time when silence is betrayal.” In our polarized, racially tense society emboldened by technology and amplified by social media, the time to...