Doug Lemov’s practical book Teach Like a Champion significantly influenced the K–12 profession by assuring all novices that while excellent teaching is hard work, it...
goLEAD: Becoming More Intentional About Student Leadership
Approximately three years ago, during my journey towards a degree in educational leadership, I was encouraged to read, review, and dissect our school’s mission statement—not...
Student Mental Health Concerns in Your School: Steps to Take NOW
At the heart of Christian schools’ missions is ministry to children. Christian educators desire that students thrive and achieve their God-given potential, and become successful...
Silos to Synergy: A Necessary Shift
Chances are if you have driven through a rural area in an agricultural part of our country, you have spotted the landscape dotted with silos...
Innovation and Missional Faithfulness: GCSLS 2019
GCSLS 2019 was a historic summit, sponsored by eight Christian school associations, that worked to bring nearly 1,100 attendees from 25 countries, and over 75...
“Devoted Parent”: Devotions from Christian Teachers to Parents
About five years ago, the decision was made to increase the writing required in all classes at Summit Christian Academy. With a core value of...
February 12th: Day of Prayer for Christian Schools
I don’t watch a lot of movies, but when I do, I’m rarely impacted beyond being entertained in the moment. Sometimes, though, on rare occasions,...
Should Diversity Affect Christian Schooling?
“Should diversity affect what is taught?” That was the question posed to me by a colleague, after we read an article written by a college...
Becoming More Intentional about Serving and Learning
This month’s podcast features guest host Dan Beerens, CACE Fellow, as he interviews Lynn Swaner and Roger Erdvig about their new book, Bring it to...