In the early 20th century, efficiency became the focus of our industrializing society. Trying to find a way to do things faster and better quickly...
Summer Reading Book #2: Caring in Christian Schools
Why does the world need a book for Christian educators on caring? It’s a fair question. As one colleague said recently if we have the...
Summer Reading Book #1: Weaving the Fabric of Faithfulness
To raise up the next generation of Christ-followers, there are threads of faith that must be well-woven together if we hope to create a durable...
Sabbath Practices and Well-Being in Christian Schools
The COVID-19 pandemic impacted virtually (pun intended) every aspect of life. Education was no exception. Schools have adapted to a new normal—a shift that led...
Why We Come Together
Over the course of the past year, we have all learned a great deal about the value of collaboration. Christian schools have led the way...
Family Business
Over the years, watching my wife parent our girls, I’ve grown to admire and respect all that it means to truly serve well through the...
ACSI’s Latest “Research in Brief” Released: Cutting-Edge Insights for Christian Schools
Educators and students everywhere eagerly anticipate the moment when the finish line of summer break appears on the horizon. This is even more the case...
More Than (Test Score) Conquerors
It is a truth universally acknowledged across times and cultures that education should do more than sharpen students’ literacy and numeracy skills. The ancient Greek...
The Lasting Influence of Christian Private Schools
A common question asked by those involved in Christian school education is, “Will anything I teach influence the adult years of my students?” As a...