Across the country, one of the most frequently asked questions from parents to administrators is, “Has the school settled on a plan to reopen?” The...
Prioritizing Relationships in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Insights from Research in Christian Schools
Education is relational. For Christian schools in particular, relationships are important because of the incarnational nature of the Christian faith, expressed through community and in...
Marked “Urgent”: Unity within Diversity in our Christian Schools
As a school administrator, I occasionally receive e-mails that are marked “urgent.” And with every e-mail I write, I have the option...
School Mergers: Building Collaborative Christian Education
My son, who attends Messiah College, is a decathlete—competing in 10 grueling running, throwing, and jumping events over two days. If there is one thing...
New Research Released: Christian Schools and COVID-19 Responses
Just like schools from all sectors across the globe, Christian schools were significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in spring 2020. In the U.S., most...
Blended Learning: Looking Ahead to Next Year
Given the ongoing disruption of COVID-19, it is a very real possibility students may not come back at the start of the school year. Several...
The Importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion During a Pandemic
The recent COVID-19 health pandemic has exposed the weaknesses and strengths of our education system. All levels of the academy have made a massive shift...
Serving Students of All Abilities During COVID-19
As teachers and leaders adjust to the social isolation of COVID-19, it has been truly moving to see the ways that our students are deeply...
“Is Everything All Right?”: Well-Being in the Midst of COVID-19
“Is everything all right?” This common question that we often ask of friends, students, and colleagues has new meaning in the current season in which...