In February 2017, an unprecedented event in the history of the Christian school movement occurred in Orlando, Florida, where eight Christian education organizations convened over...
Christian Education
Merging Schools Across Denominations: Deepening Our Commitment to Jesus
Three years ago, the board of directors at The City School merged two schools with differing denominational roots and perceived expressions of their faith. There...
The Leadership Triangle: Dealing with Tactical, Strategic, and Transformational Challenges
Leading within the Christian education movement is challenging, to say the least. The complexities of enrollment, certifications and licensure, curriculum development, facility management, budgeting, the...
Changing Your School Spaces: An Opportunity for Transformation
“Simply put, our approach to solving puzzles is detached and disengaging. Untying knots is engaging, immersive, and when pursued with others, transforming.” (Miller et al....
Why an ACSI Blog? Why Now?
The Christian school movement is, in developmental terms, maturing—which is a polite way of saying that we’re aging! Christian schools in the United States opened...
The Power of Appreciation: Building Donor Relationships through Gratitude
If you have served as a leader in the educational arena for any amount of time, you have probably found yourself dreaming about what you...